Axolotl Food: What Does Axolotl Eat?

What Does Axolotl Eat?

Axolotls are carnivores, meaning they eat mostly meat. They eat a variety of fresh prey, including insects, fish, and other small animals. Axolotls have a specially adapted digestive system that allows them to digest their prey quickly. They have a short gut, so their food moves through the digestive tract fairly quickly. In addition, axolotls’ … Read more

Why Are Axolotls Endangered?

Why Are Axolotls Endangered

Axolotls, also known as Mexican walking fish, have fascinated scientists and pet lovers alike. But their survival is under threat. Understanding why axolotls are endangered and what can be done to help them is crucial for ensuring their future. What Is an Endangered Species? An endangered species is a plant or animal at risk of … Read more