How Do You Know When a Neon Tetra is Going to Lay Eggs

How Do You Know When a Neon Tetra is Going to Lay Eggs

A neon tetra shows signs of preparing to lay eggs when the female’s belly becomes round and swollen due to carrying eggs. Additionally, the male may start chasing the female more actively, and they might display courtship behaviors, such as swimming closely together and occasionally intertwining. Neon tetras are small, colorful fish popular in home … Read more

Why Are Axolotls Endangered?

Why Are Axolotls Endangered

Axolotls, also known as Mexican walking fish, have fascinated scientists and pet lovers alike. But their survival is under threat. Understanding why axolotls are endangered and what can be done to help them is crucial for ensuring their future. What Is an Endangered Species? An endangered species is a plant or animal at risk of … Read more